Michael Shimkin

Michael’s educational background is in business administration and civil/ocean engineering. In 1999 he founded and remains executive director of the non-profit Global Village Engineers. In 2002, he was selected as one of the World Economic Forum’s 100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow. He has spoken at many colleges and organizations about environmental professions, environmental impact evaluations, and the engineer’s role in international sustainable development. Michael’s involvement with non-profits and criminal justice reform is extensive, serving either currently or as a past board member of Village Theatre Project, Boston Network for International Development, North Shore United Way, Chair of the Boston Release Network, editor for LifeTimes magazine, and a member of the Sex Offender Policy Reform Initiative Executive Committee of Massachusetts. For NARSOL, Michael served on the 2019 Conference Planning Committee and was chair of the 2020 Nominating Committee. He currently serves on the Conference Operations Committee,  Finance Committee, and Steering Committee, is the national volunteer coordinator, and serves as a member of the Vivante Espero Investment Committee.