
“World’s Worst Mom” to speak at 6th RSOL National Conference

Lenore Skenazy, blogger, public speaker, and reality show host is the keynote speaker at the 6th annual conference of Reform Sex Offender Laws, Inc. being held in Dallas, Texas, July 16-19, 2014.

She was given the title of the World’s Worst Mom after, at his insistence, she dropped her nine year old son at Bloomingdale’s in New York with a subway map and twenty dollars and allowed him to get home on his own. He did, and she has been simultaneously held in great admiration and in despised ridicule ever since.

Her dominating contention is that children of today are increasingly pampered and over-protected and that children who grow up believing the world is too scary a place in which to function will become adults unable to function in the world.

She sees the public sex offender registry as a foolish and useless attempt to protect children from what is actually the rarest of all threats—assault by a repeat offender.

She finds support in this from Trevor Butterworth, a spokesman for the research center, who said, “The statistics show that this is an incredibly rare event, and you can’t protect people from very rare events. It would be like trying to create a shield against being struck by lightning.”

Of public registries she says, “Seeing a bunch of dots on a map is enough to make us lock our kids inside, where they get fat, bored and addicted to ‘Halo 3,’ because we think it’s ‘Halo 3′ outside. Goodbye, any sense of community! Which is ironic because community – knowing and looking out for each other – is exactly what makes neighborhoods safer.”

The theme of this year’s conference is Hope. Courage. Reform. Lenore will talk about having the courage to raise children strong enough to be the leaders of tomorrow, and she will show how through reform to laws that cripple not only our children but all of society, hope and courage can be returned to us all.

Register for the conference and all related events, including hotel reservations and airport and shuttle information here.


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2 Thoughts to ““World’s Worst Mom” to speak at 6th RSOL National Conference”

  1. […] She was given the title of the World’s Worst Mom after, at his insistence, she dropped her nine year old son at Bloomingdale’s in New York with a subway map and twenty dollars and allowed him to get home on his own. He did, and she has been simultaneously held in great admiration and in despised ridicule ever since. More Information […]

  2. Michael

    I agree with this woman, she sounds a lot like my own mother. I was convicted of one count of invasion of privacy in Pennsylvania from using an old cell phone to basically “sneak a peek” I didn’t even know this was a Meagan’s Law offense at the time and neither did my lawyer. Turns out it never was before the Adam Walsh Act of 2012. I had all of the official testing done and had no mental abnormalities and even though it was only an M3, I was given an SVP status. I lost my job with the township, my promotion, my pension, my car, home, and became homeless sleeping in a field. I know how horrible this can be and is designed to make it impossible for a person to exist. I was given a life sentence for an M3 and 7 years of probation. Meagan’s Law is the worst part of the sentence and every study has shown that it doesn’t help anyone; not victims, or offenders. It has created an entirely new “decay” of society. I can’t find work even though a went to college and have a good resume. This is why people become new types of criminals, because they have nothing to lose and nothing to live for. The justice system produces criminals instead of preventing them with Meagn’s Law. I am not condoning illegal activity, I just believe there is a difference between a child rapist and someone who did something petty. There were no minors involved in my crime either.

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